Nepal Spine Foundation Update: Dr. Dipendra Shrestha Completes his Fellowship with the Nepal Spine Foundation in the United States

Name: Dipendra Shrestha
Home Country: Nepal
Fellowship Hospitals: Virginia Mason, NeoSpine, The Mayo Clinic and Banner University Medicine
U.S. Physicians: Farrokh Farrokhi, MD, Richard Wohns, MD, JD, MBA, Victor Davilla, MD, and Richard Chua, MD
Fellowship Overview
Dr. Dipendra Shrestha is a Nepal Spine Foundation Fellowship awardee from Kathmandu, Nepal who is completing his clinical training in the neurosurgery program at Tribuhvan University Teaching Hospital (“TUTH”).
Dr. Shrestha’s one-month fellowship included observing at four different hospitals and clinics around the U.S. as well as attendance at two educational medical meetings. Dr. Shrestha began his fellowship in Chicago where he attended the Becker’s Healthcare Meeting with Dr. Wohns for 2-days of medical education presentations. Next, Dr. Shrestha spent 3 days with Dr. Farrokhi in Seattle at Virginia Mason where he observed various microsurgical techniques. He then spent 2 days at the Mazama Spine Summit, an internationally known educational meeting focusing on current advances in spine surgery, as well as the legal side of healthcare. After this, Dr. Shrestha spent 3 days at NeoSpine in Puyallup, WA with Dr. Richard Wohns, then 3 days at MayoClinic in Phoenix, AZ with Dr. Victor Davilla, followed by 4 days at Banner Health in Tucson, AZ with Dr. Richard Chua.
During a debrief regarding Dr. Shrestha’s fellowship, he reported that, “It was an excellent experience. At some hospitals I was able to scrub in, others I observed. Both were great.” He would like to sincerely thank his professors at TUTH for allowing him to complete the fellowship, and Dr’s Farrokhi, Wohns, Davilla and Chua for hosting him in the U.S.